Everything you need to schedule and prepare for your appointment.

Scheduling Your First Visit

We look forward to meeting you on your consultation appointment. During this visit your doctor will gather information to arrive at a diagnosis and one or more treatment options. If your needs are more complex, a second consultation appointment may be required to adequately prepare and present these options.

All visits are by appointment only.

Phone: 716-662-7229

Fax: 716-662-7263


Mondays, Wednesdays & Thursdays  8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Please call any time:

Tuesday through Thursday between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. or Mondays and Fridays between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m.

If you have any of the following items, please bring:

  • Current x-rays (or ask your dentist to send copies. They can be e-mailed to:
  • Completed medical history and patient registration forms (sent to you when you scheduled or available here to download)
  • Completed privacy practice acknowledgement and consent for use forms (sent to you when you scheduled or available here for download)
  • A list of medications currently taken
  • Insurance information
  • If you have been referred from another dental office, please bring any notes or referral forms your dentist may have provided.

PLEASE NOTE: Patients under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian for the consultation visit. 

Thank you for preparing for your first visit. We look forward to meeting you and offering you the best treatment to meet your needs!

Forms to download

Preparing for your visit and what to expect after

Pre-Operative Instructions for Extractions, Periodontal and Implant Surgical Procedures

One week prior to procedure:

  • Discontinue aspirin (if no heart condition exists), NSAIDS, vitamin E and Ginko Biloba as directed.
  • If you take “blood thinners” such as Coumadin, Plavix, or aspirin you may be asked to stop these temporarily. We will consult with your medical doctor.
  • Begin taking vitamin C 500mg (or multivitamin with 500mg vit C) daily and continue for one week after surgery. If desired, purchase Arnica Montana (available OTC in Wegman’s Organic section), or Bromelain (500mg daily, starting the day before or day-of surgery).
  • Begin drinking plenty of water (at least six 8oz. glasses/day) and continue for one week after surgery.

Day before the procedure:

  • Do not drink alcohol.
  • Have prescriptions filled (and read the labels for instructions). 
  • Prepare soft foods.
  • Take antibiotic IF directed (read Rx labels).

Day of the procedure:

  • Eat a light meal. 
  • Bring your own music/headphones if desired.
  • Take antibiotic dose IF directed (read Rx labels).
  • Take pain medication that was prescribed, such as Motrin, one hour prior to procedure (or before the numbness wears off). DO NOT take any other narcotic medications that you may have at home.
  • Start taking Arnica Montana 30 (if desired -to reduce bruising) or Bromelain (if desired – to reduce post operative discomfort).
  • Take sedative if prescribed, you cannot drive for 24 hours after surgery. You will need to be escorted to and from the procedure.

For emergencies during normal business hours please contact the office.  For AFTER HOURS emergencies, call or text Dr. Buyers at (734) 417-6747.

Post-operative Instructions For Any Surgical Procedure

No airplane flights following surgery for 48 hours or as instructed by your surgeon.

Swelling: is a normal postoperative occurrence that can be minimized by applying an ice pack on outside of the face adjacent to surgical area, 20 minutes on, then 20 minutes off for the remainder of the day. Peak swelling occurs at ~2-3 days postoperatively, and typically tapers off starting day 5. The first night, sleep on your back to avoid any pressure on the surgical site and keep head elevated with extra pillows.  

Bleeding: Minor bleeding is normal in first 24 hours. Do not use a straw (if you had an extraction) or rinse vigorously for 24 hours, as this may increase bleeding. If bleeding does not subside, apply direct pressure to surgical area holding a moist tea bag for 15 minutes on the site, remain seated and relax, and bleeding will typically stop. If bleeding does not stop please call the office or emergency numbers.

Infection: If swelling continues past 72 hours or the area is hot/warm to touch and/or a foul taste in your mouth and you feel that you may have an infection, please call your surgeon ASAP-Do Not Wait!

Sutures: Do not remove your sutures. Some may come out on their own.  Your surgeon will remove those that do not come out on their own.

Bruising: This is a normal postoperative occurrence. Taking Arnica Montana 30 (pill form, available at Wegman’s-Organic Section) as directed on the container may help decrease the extent of the bruising.  You may start this before the procedure if you are concerned about bruising. Bromelain (500mg daily starting the day before or morning of) is another herbal that can dramatically reduce post-operative pain.

Smoking: NO smoking 1 month before and after the procedure. It is the leading cause of implant and graft failure. If you smoke, you assume the risk of a negative surgical outcome.

Food/Drink: Do not eat/drink anything hot after surgery until your anesthetic wears off, as you will not feel temperature changes. Keep a soft diet and chew on opposite side of surgery until you are told you can chew on that side again, typically 1 week. Some soft foods are eggs, yogurt, soft cooked vegetables, pasta, soups… Avoid all foods that contain seeds, nuts, or popcorn during healing. If you can hear it, don’t eat it, for 1 wk.

Exercise: No aerobic exercise, strenuous work, lifting, or bending for 24-48 hours after surgery. Exercise raises blood pressure, which increases swelling, bleeding and bruising.

Sensitivity/pain: Take pain medication as advised, which is generally to take ibuprofen around the clock for the first 48 hrs.  If you were instructed to take 600mg ibuprofen, and it is not enough to control your pain, take Tylenol between your ibuprofen doses.  Ie, alternate Ibuprofen with Tylenol every 3 hours or so as needed.  Some tooth sensitivity in the surgical site may occur and will improve with time. Check with surgeon if sensitivity persists. A desensitizing medication may be needed.  Bromelain (500mg daily starting the day before or morning of) is an herbal that can dramatically reduce post-operative pain.

Hygiene: Do not use an electric or manual toothbrush in the surgical area for at least 2 wks. Gently rinse the surgical area with the prescription rinse as directed. You will be instructed how to clean at your post-op visit and when you can brush your teeth in the affected area (usually 2 wks for brushing and 3 weeks for flossing). Clean all other areas of the mouth normally, as an overall clean mouth heals faster.  If you are using chlorhexidine mouth rinse and experience altered taste or brown staining, these are normal side effects and are not permanent. You may switch to Listerine if you wish.

Soft Tissue Grafts: It is recommended that you eat a soft diet (as above) and do not chew in the surgical area.  Do not place your tongue near or on the surgical site/sutures, as this can cause the sutures or the graft to become dislodged and negatively impact the success of the procedure.

Sinus Augmentation, Osteotome or Upper Molar Extractions: IMPORTANT: Do NOT blow your nose and sneeze for 1 week after your surgery. You may blot your nose with tissue if needed. If you have to sneeze do so with an open mouth to avoid pressure in the sinus. If directed, use Afrin Nasal Spray (12 hour) or Saline Nasal Spray 2 times per day (don’t use more than 3 days) on the side of the surgery. Take Sudafed tablets every 4-6 hours as directed for 3 days post-op if needed.

Implant Surgery: Your implant has a small metal cap that can become loose at any time after surgery. It typically occurs due to chewing on the implant, which is NOT allowed as it may lead to loss of the implant (this is a No-Chew Zone). If it comes loose please call the office.

Implant Temporary: If you have a removable or fixed temporary you should still NOT chew in that area until instructed to do so (typically 12 weeks). Please chew on the opposite side and avoid any pressure on the implant site. The temporary is only for esthetics and is not for chewing.

Office Policies

  • Privacy Policy

    This form, Notice of Privacy Practices, presents the information that federal law requires us to give our patients regarding our privacy practices.  This form is sent to you when you schedule an appointment, as well as forms to be signed that indicate acknowledgement of these practices and consent for their use. These forms may also be downloaded here:

    Privacy acknowledgement

    Privacy practice use

  • Financial Policy

    It is our policy to receive payment in full as services are rendered. We gladly accept cash, checks, Master Card, and Visa. Many of our procedures require multiple visits to complete, and under these circumstances, it is permissible to divide payment for these procedures over the necessary visits with the balance due upon completion. Please talk to us about your own treatment plan and how payments should be managed.

  • Insurance

    If you have dental insurance, please fill out the pertinent information on your Patient Registration form. Because we wish to maintain the ability to do what is necessary to render the best treatment for you, we are not participating providers in any insurance plans.  It is our policy to receive payment in full from you as services are rendered. We are, however, happy to complete and process all insurance forms and assist you in obtaining your best coverage. Your dental benefit is then reimbursed to you. We will submit insurance pre-estimates for you when appropriate to assist you in planning for your dental expenses.


Enhanced COVID-19 Procedures

Our highest priority is your health and well-being; we have carefully planned and revised our office procedures to greatly minimize the risk of infection for our patients and our team members.

Paperless check-in

Daily screening of employees and patients

Enhanced sterilization and sanitation protocols

Augmented PPE for the surgical team

State-of-the-art HEPA filtration in every room

We want you to feel as confident as we do that the visits you make to our office will be safe.

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